Dolores’ tips for March

HillQuest’s Seniors in Motion by Dolores St. LouisFirst up! The Museum of Photographic Arts will be conducting classes on Wednesdays: 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 1-3pm. This series of fun easy classes teaches how to express yourself with the use of a digital camera. You will learn creativity of photography. Digital cameras and printers are provided. Students are encouraged to get better acquainted with beautiful Balboa Park, by looking through the eye of a camera while visiting the gardens/flora, museums or admiring the wonderful architecture. I took this class last summer and enjoyed it very much, coming away with a better understanding of the digital camera world. Classes are free. For more information and/or to sign up, call Senior Services (619) 236-6905. Now, a little side trip. While in the park wander over to the Spanish Village, and you’ll feel as though you stepped back in time into another world; one of old charm, rustic beauty, colorful stone courtyard and walkways leading to marvelous art shops; each one with its own story. Their creations range from paintings in various mediums, sculptors, pottery, jewelry, gems and rocks, to specialty items. There are many classes in the various forms of art. The shop owners/artists are very friendly and welcome you with open arms. I have visited often and always leave with a sense of serenity, having been immersed in so much beauty.

Ben Franklin

OK! Back to upcoming events. Join a tour on Wednesday 3/9/11 to visit the Ben Franklin exhibit at the Bower’s Museum in Santa Ana, followed by a luncheon at the famous White House Restaurant in Anaheim. This special exhibit of Ben Franklin’s personal belongings showcases a series of creative, interactive exhibits. Cost is just $59 for everything — the museum ticket, round trip transportation and the luncheon. The bus will return to San Diego about 6pm. Please call Senior Services at (619) 236-6905, for the exact departure time, location and to order your ticket for this extraordinary event.

Annual, Giant Rummage SaleThe Thursday Club Foundation will be hosting its 84th annual 2-Day Rummage Sale, on Saturday 3/12 (9am-4pm) and Sunday 3/13 (10am-2pm) at the Activity Center in Balboa Park, 2145 Park Blvd. The Thursday Club of San Diego was founded in 1921, for social welfare endeavors and relief of the distressed. The Foundation was created in 2004 for its charitable activities; all made possible through fundraising events, donations and bequests. Although created for persons of all ages, seniors reap a multitude of benefits. It should be a fun event and worthy of our support. Hope to see you there.

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