Does it really demand accountability?

Yes on Prop D? Really?!?Proposition D “revises the City Charter Relating to the Strong Mayor Form of Governance.” Prop D consists of three distinct questions bundled in an all-or-nothing package. Voters are not permitted to pick and choose but must support or reject the entire proposal. The three questions are: 1) Shall the Charter be revised to make permanent the Strong Mayor form of governance? 2) Shall the Charter be revised to add a ninth Council seat? and 3) Shall the Charter be revised to increase the Council votes required to override a mayoral veto to a two-thirds vote?

Who’s financially backing the Yes on Prop D campaign? Click on the sign above for an eye-opening glimpse into the world of special interests wanting to keep their strong mayor. The League of Woman Voters explains why they oppose Prop D. This movie from Dan Soderberg will help, too.

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