Do you have Hillcrest transportation ideas?

Hillcrest Forum 2.0Traffic issues getting in and out of Hillcrest? Too many cars and too few pedestrians? Bike lanes? How to accommodate for the future? Shuttles? What’s the best way to move people?

Share your ideas with the Hillcrest Business Association re: Hillcrest’s Mobility System — such as transportation, walkability & accessibility. Concerned citizens are asked to meet at Baja Betty’s, 1421 University Avenue, tomorrow evening (Thursday, February 25) from 5-7pm to explore ways for improving people movement throughout Hillcrest. Please give your input at this fun and exciting forum to discuss neighborhood transportation ideas for the future. A lecture will be presented by SDSU professor Sherry Ryan whose research primarily deals with transportation and its elements including land use interactions and the influence of land use patterns on travel behavior, Hillcrest Forum 2.0physical activity and health. Want to be involved? Please RSVPto Benjamin Nicholls (not required, but preferred).

HBA members Bob Grinchuk and Glen Younger are chairing these quarterly forums over the next two years to get public input as the city gathers information for the development a new vision for Uptown’s next 20-30 years — a new community plan. As part of this process, the local business association is organizing a series of workshops to visualize the future of Hillcrest on a variety of topics.

“Imagine if you could get together with a bunch of really bright folks over cocktails, invite the foremost experts in the field, and plan the future of Hillcrest” say’s Younger… “Well that’s what we’re planning on doing”. All are welcome.

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