December Nights Traffic Alert

trafficSignificant traffic delays are expected on Park Boulevard on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, due to December Nights at Balboa Park and Mid-City Rapid Bus Project construction. Construction crews will shut down by 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 6, but one lane in each direction will remain closed on Park Boulevard between University and Polk avenues due to the large excavation zone in the center median.

To avoid traffic delays during December Nights, the public is strongly encouraged to use the free shuttle service or take december-nights-logopublic transit. Please click the links below for more information:
Facebook: Balboa Park
Please share this important traffic information with your friends and family.

Park Boulevard

  • Park between Lincoln and Polk: Demolition and excavation has begun in the center median to prepare for construction of bus-only lanes.Work in this area is similar to what has been taking place one block south. One lane in each direction is closed to accommodate construction. During construction, there is some limited loss of parking spaces mid-block on the west side of Park Boulevard. Construction in this segment is expected to last through early 2014.
  • Crosswalk access on University at Park: On Friday, Oct. 18, crosswalk access was restored. The crosswalk will still have to be closed from time to time to accommodate construction activities.
  • Park between University and Lincoln: Construction activities to build transit-only lanes and bus stations in the center median are expected to last through the end of the year. One lane in each direction is closed as of Sept. 20. Some parking spaces are unavailable on both sides of Park Boulevard, specifically the southwest corner of Park and Lincoln (in front of Harmony Animal Hospital); and the south end of the diagonal parking spaces mid-block between University and Lincoln (in front of Cathedral Arms and Grace Tower).
  • Lincoln between Park and Normal: Crews have begun drilling to install an electrical conduit for new street lights on the north side of Lincoln Avenue. The segment between Park and Centre has been completed. The remainder of the segment between Centre and Normal is underway. The actual installation of street lights will take place at a later date.

Special Advisory for Senior Towers on Park Boulevard

  • Most parking spaces on Park Boulevard immediately in front of Cathedral Arms and Grace Tower are now open for use.
  • The south end of the diagonal parking spaces mid-block between University and Lincoln (in front of Cathedral Arms and Grace Tower) are closed off. The curb in this area has been painted red to preserve access for emergency vehicles, trash pickup, and U.S. Postal Service deliveries.When calling the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department or a private ambulance, please let the operator know that emergency vehicles have access to the front entrances of both senior towers.
  • The local bus stop in front of Cathedral Arms remains open during construction. Access via the alley to the parking lots in the back of the senior towers is also maintained.

El Cajon Boulevard

  • El Cajon at 30th and 35th: Construction at these intersections is ongoing, but no night-time work will take place in this area during December Nights. Crews are upgrading underground utilities, sidewalks, street lights, and traffic signals, in addition to building new bus station improvements.
  • El Cajon at Texas: Construction of new sidewalks, storm drains, and bus pads has been completed. Traffic barriers on the south side of El Cajon Boulevard have been removed from the street. Trenching began Nov. 25 to install a new traffic signal conduit in this area. All four corners will need to be trenched. The work is expected to take about a week. Watch out for temporary lane closures.
  • El Cajon between Park and College: Excavations are taking place for street light foundations and underground electrical boxes for fiber optic lines to support traffic signal synchronization and communications.

Bus Service During Construction

  • Due to construction, the westbound bus stop for Routes 1, 6, and 15 at El Cajon Boulevard and 30th Street is closed until further notice. Bus riders are advised to use the stop at Utah Street.
  • For more information about bus stop closures and relocations, visit or call the MTS transit information line at 619) 233-3004 or 511.

Progress to Date

  • The entrance to Lincoln Avenue on the east side of Park Boulevard reopened to traffic Sept. 3, 2013. Construction at the northeast corner is complete.
  • Sidewalk construction has finished on the east side of Park Boulevard in front of Grace Lutheran Church. The new sidewalk reopened on Sept. 27.
  • Lincoln Avenue, Polk Avenue, and Centre Street immediately off of Park Boulevard were restriped in mid-July 2013 to create new diagonal parking spaces. Please note the restriping of the west side of Centre Street between Harvey Milk Street (formerly Blaine Avenue) and Lincoln Avenue is on hold pending the resolution of a conflict with existing street striping. View parking map for details.
  • Crews have finished repaving the center of Park Boulevard between Essex Street and University Avenue. On Friday, Sept. 13, 2013, two traffic lanes and a left turn lane reopened after the street was restriped. The realignment of traffic lanes in this area will allow future Rapid buses to transition to transit-only lanes that will be built between University Avenue and El Cajon Boulevard. The bus lane in the center will remain closed off to protect it until the rest of the bus project is complete.

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