Dear friends of Historic Preservation,

Chaplain's House on Washington StreetThis Friday, April 18th at 2pm, the Historic Resources Board will conduct a workshop on the 12th floor of the City Administration Building to take public testimony about the Mayor’s proposal to end Hardesty House, Third & Pennsylvaniamost historic preservation in San Diego, including Mills Act contracts. This workshop is important to historic preservation.
The Neighborhood Historic Preservation Coalition met recently to discuss the status and future of historic preservation. The Coalition comprises community and historic preservation groups throughout San Diego including SOHO, Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association, Heart of Kensington, Hillcrest History Guild, La Jolla Historical Society, Mission Hills Heritage, North Park Planning Committee, University Heights Historical Society; and interested private individuals.
Historic Preservation needs your help and your attendance at the HRB meeting this Friday to speak. Testimony that focuses on a few central recommendations is a good strategy. The Coalition hopes you speak in support of these key items:
1 – Keep the Mills Act program as it is now. It works well and should be left to continue working well.
2 – Increase the Historic Resources staff to cope with the backlog of historic designation nominations on hand and other demands on the staff.
3 – Supervise Mills Act contracts to encourage historic property owners keep their properties in good shape. This may enable some sensible modifications to Mills Act contracts or enforcing contracts appropriately when properties are not being maintained properly.

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