Councilmen Gloria and Faulconer appoint … nobody

The Uptown Partnership’s monthly board meeting was held Thursday at their Bankers Hill office. During public comment discussion, board member and Hillcrest property owner Bob Orphey expressed that he thought the AT&T lot had been sold. The board passed a motion to send a letter to Councilmember Faulconer regarding finishing the crosswalk at Fifth & Spruce (will it be on the north or south side of the intersection?). Discussion ensued re: a proposed letter to George Pernicano to open up his parking lot. Several people shared that they had already tried this many times. The executive director was firm in her request, and the motion passed.

Michael Vogl, Revenue Collections Manager for the City of SD presented findings from the study on new meter trials from January through April 2009. Citations at the new meters were down 45%, which was said to be due to people using credit cards. Revenue was up 11%. It was asked how this amount could be so small, if people were using credit cards so much more. Vogl responded that the results were as expected. The Uptown Partnership boardnext discussion pertained to the Partnership’s budgeting of contingency funds which, at past meetings, the executive director, when questioned, said was appropriate. The City and the Partnership’s accountants advised that the budgeted monies need to be moved out of contingency funds and into a category. It was decided to move this line item to a category called “Uptown Parking Solutions.” Board member Orphey shared that now is an excellent opportunity to acquire real estate that would be centrally located in Hillcrest. He believes that there is an opportunity “close at hand.”

Uptown Partnership Hillcrest committee members were announced. They are Bob Grinchuk, Sean Schwerdtfeger and Jim Frost. The moment that many were awaiting, the announcement of District 2 and 3 choices for board members was delayed for several weeks according to the council members representatives. ”We’re working on it, names have been presented, were looking into it,” commented Brian Pepin representative from Kevin Faulconer’s office. The council members made the suggestion for expansion of the Partnership board on May 5th. How long does it take for them to pick someone?

Boardmember Bob Grinchuk and HTC chair John Taylor both expressed extreme dismay at the city dragging their feet. The board did vote to add Uptown Planner and University Heights resident David Gatzke to their board. The Uptown Planners have made it clear that the person sitting on the board does not represent the Uptown Planners.

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