Councilman Todd Gloria addresses the Town Council

tg-htcOver 50 neighbors attended the Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) meeting tonight at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown Shopping District. The evening began with Councilmember Todd Gloria speaking to the crowd, answering questions and listening to neighborhood concerns. Our councilmember is participating on several committees including Land Use & Housing, Public Safety, MTS Board, Budget and SANDAG. His priorities are safety, infrastructure and the community plan update.

Benjamin Nicholls, the new executive director of the Hillcrest Business Improvement Association (HBIA) introduced himself and encouraged the HBIA and the HTC to work together to accomplish goals. Facilitator Leo Wilson followed by recapping last years’ accomplishments of the residents’ group including several community clean-ups; being a major contributor to the approval of the Interim Height Ordinance (IHO); working to bring a more favorable project to the 301 University site; hosting the first debate of CD3 candidates and giving residents a chance to meet and question public officials including US Congresswoman Davis, State Senator Christine Kehoe, Mayor Jerry Sanders, Councilwoman Toni Atkins, California Assemblymember Lori Saldaña and City Attorney Mike Aguirre.

The group then went on to list priorities for the upcoming year. Issues of importance to the neighbors in attendance included traffic calming and pedestrian safety, better bus service, negative impacts from the homeless community, participating in the update of the community plan, sidewalk maintenance, dark streets (more street lights), completion of the Hillcrest-Mission Hills library, the impact of the zoo employees parking lot, bike lanes and a trolley service throughout Hillcrest.

John Taylor presented proposed bylaws which were unanimously ratified. Nominations for the inaugural board members will take place at the February meeting with elections held in March. $67 in donations were collected by passing the hat. The HTC meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Joyce Beers Community Center from 6:30-8pm.

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