Councilman officially opens Porkyland

Grand opening of Porkyland in Hillcrest (April 1, 2010) Deborah, Fernando & Pepe Stepensky with Councilman Todd GloriaDistrict 3 Council member Todd Gloria (right) brought out the big scissors on Thursday to signify the grand opening of Porkyland in Hillcrest. Deborah, Fernando and Pepe Stepensky joined in the ribbon cutting then hosted friends, neighbors and fellow business owners to a taste of their restaurant (at 646 University Avenue, the former location of Viva Pasta).

The Stepenskys are veterans in the restaurant business with their Hillcrest ties going back to the 1980s when they delivered homemade flan to neighborhood coffeehouses. Today, in addition to restaurants in Seaport Village and Hillcrest, a second Porkyland is located in La Jolla.

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