Congratulations, Danielle & Alica!

Head to the heart of North Park’s University Avenue (between Utah and Ray streets) for the third annual San Diego Indie Music Fest created by musicians for musicians who are impassioned about bringing the Indie Revolution to San Diego full force. 70 acts on seven stages will feature the best bands, dancers, visual artists and filmmakers around. Be inspired, serenaded and thoroughly drenched in great music and fun.

Gingger Shankar at SD Indie Music FestAntedote played to an appreciative crowd on 29th Street (above) and Gingger Shankar (the world’s only female double violinist and member of the lengendary Ravi Shankar family) took the Saturday afternoon main stage at the North Park Theatre sharing exuberant and entrancing music as she paired up with renowned electronic musician Thavius Beck. The music fest continues until midnight. Ticket prices: $23 General, $20 Students & Seniors (62+), Kids 5 & under free.

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