Celebrate the holiday with friends and neighbors on Tuesday, December 13 at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District beginning at 6:30. Bring a dish (salads, vegetables, cookies or a yummy casserole) to accompany roasted turkeys, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, bread & butter. City Deli will again be baking a yummy cake, and Snooze will be sharing treats, too!
Muy mahalo to Albertson’s and Ralph’s for donating turkeys for next Tuesday’s community potluck dinner…and thanks to Carmen Lucci (Babbo Grande) for roasting them for us. Stop by the former location of Gulf Coast Grill (4130 Park Blvd) to welcome Carmen and his large extended family back to the neighborhood!! BABBO’s BAR & GRILL (yes, they’ll now be serving cocktails, too) are now open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Yippeee!