Bruce Coons endorses David Alvarez for Mayor

David-BruceCandidate Bruce Coons has removed himself from the race to become San Diego’s next mayor, throwing his support toward City Councilman David Alvarez.

Monday evening Coons – considered a contender in his own right – announced he was officially ending his campaign for the mayoral race. At his headquarters in University Heights, Coons exited the race and said he was endorsing Alvarez.

Coons, Executive Director of the preservation advocacy group, Save our Heritage Organisation (SOHO), said that, as a candidate, Alvarez demonstrates a good balance between San Diego’s historical past and progressive future.

“Councilmember Alvarez’s experience fighting for protection and expansion of our parklands, and conservation of our bays, rivers and ocean lead me to believe he’s the right man for the job,” Coons said. “As our next mayor, he’ll be the one to make tough decisions, standing up to the downtown power brokers and outside interests to ensure that the residents of San Diego can have an improved quality of life,” he continued.

In turn, Alvarez applauded Coons’ long-time focus on historical preservation in San Diego and said he was “extremely proud” to have received his endorsement. Coons said he’ll continue working closely with Alvarez to bring attention to quality-of-life issues in San Diego on behalf of residents, students and property owners. The special election for mayor will be held Tuesday, November 19.

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