
Uptown Regional Bike Corridor Project

uptown bike map_1.sflbBeginning in 2012, SANDAG began workshops to encourage neighborhood input for an improved bicycle corridor throughout Uptown.

The Uptown Regional Bike Corridor Project will create connections within neighborhoods, improve streets, and create links to the larger bike network being built throughout the region. The project will provide on-street bicycle facilities from Old Town and Mission Valley through Uptown to Downtown; it also will build a facility from Uptown to North Park and University Heights and then up to Balboa Park. The results will be rolled out in September 2013 with implementation soon after. Stay tuned…

There’s a new bicycle friendly event in San Diego


CicloSDias San Diego takes place on Sunday, August 11 from 10am til 4pm. Bicyclists and neighbors who want to enjoy car-free streets will love it! Visit the CicloSDias website for all the details.



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