Belated congratulations to MC Flow

Uptown rapper girl MC Flow recently brought home two trophies from the San Diego Music Awards for Best Hip Hop Artist and Best Hip Hop Album. “Thanks … to all the bloggers, who will be talking about this tomorrow.”

Backed by her crew (below from left to right): fly girl/dancer, GG, hype-girl-producer-object of audience desire Taylor-Tay; (MC Flow) and turntablist, DJ Rob Fayder — MC Flow dropped her debut album, “Incredible,” in 2008.

MC Flow, aka Abby Schwartz, 30, is also the Women’s Resource Center coordinator at The Center and was the organizer for this year’s San Diego Dyke Geegee, Joe, MC Flow and Jose, San Diego Music Awards 2008March. She “wears many hats” in her life and plays many roles – community organizer, rapper/performer, journalist, etc. – but all her work is inspired by the common goal of empowering women and creating a strong and vibrant community. She has always been inspired by the Ghandi quote, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” and tries to live by it.

Her role models are the foremothers of the movement – women such as Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, who founded the first lesbian advocacy organization. At her desk at The Center, Abby has two large boards of magazine clippings and photos from early San Diego lesbian publications, to remind her to keep the movement moving forward.

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