Bankers Hill/Park West meeting tomorrow evening

Join other residents at 6:30pm Wednesday in the conference room at St. Paul’s Manor, on the corner of Third & Maple – entry is through the parking lot on Third Avenue. The agenda will include:

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral Project – The applicants for the St. Paul’s Cathedral project will present their revised development plans to the Bankers Hill community. Since the last presentation, there have been several major revisions to the project, including:
St Paul's Cathedral project(a.) The height of the tower on the corner of Fifth & Nutmeg has been lowered so that it does not exceed the 150′ height limitation; and does not encroach into the Airport Approach Overlay Zone;
(b.) The number of units has been reduced from 112 to 106;
(c.) There has been a reduction in glass surfaces; and solid features have been incorporated into the design;
(d.) The tower would be 180′ at Fifth & Olive (the applicant is seeking a deviation to allow a 30′ extension above the 150′ height limitation).
The St. Paul’s Cathedral project will be heard by Uptown Planners on Tuesday evening, June 3 at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Comments are welcome.
2. Maple Canyon Subcommittee Report – Presentation by Ellen Moxham regarding the recent formation of this group and their objectives.
All neighbors are encouraged to attend and give input.

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