Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association

Bankers Hill/Park West Community Associaiton meetingWednesday at 6:30pm all Bankers Hill/Park West residents are encouraged to attend a meeting at St. Paul’s Manor conference room. Entry is through the the rear parking lot off Second Avenue (north of Maple Street). The agenda includes:

1. First Avenue/Western Bankers Hill Petition: As everyone is likely aware, the Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association has requested the Hillcrest Mobility Study be expanded to include First Avenue and western Bankers Hill. This request has been denied, apparently because there are not enough funds in the existing $400,000+ study budget. A group of residents from western Bankers Hill and Hillcrest met on November 14 and decided to mount a petition drive. This petition requests that either: (a) the First Avenue and the western portions of Bankers Hill/ Park West be included in the Mobility Study, or (b) that the Mobility Study be ended. Copies will be available at the meeting on Wednesday. Several residents of western Bankers Hill will speak about their concerns and the reason for the petition drive. On a good note, the Park West/Hillcrest Promenade Plan has been incorporated into the Hillcrest Mobility Study as an alternative which does not recommend lane reductions along Fourth, Fifth or Sixth avenues.

2. St. Paul’s Cathedral Development Project update: The project came before Uptown Planners on November 6 where approximately 40 Bankers Hill/ Park West residents attended, and a dozen spoke. At the applicant’s request, the project has been continued and will be heard in early 2008. In the interim, St. Paul’s applicant has graciously agreed to work with a task force of the Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association to address some of the more controversial issues involving the project.

3. Airport Flight Path Issues: There will be a brief update on the various airplane flight zones that cross over the area. The group has a good knowledge of the Airport Approach Overlay Zone; however, there is also a northern flight path utilized by small planes. It is a complex subject, involving multiple regulations and agencies.

4. Fifth & Thorn Project: a brief update on the new design will be presented. Buildings on Fourth Avenue have been determined to be historic, which has resulted in several design changes.

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