Bankers Hill residents to meet Monday at St. Paul’s Cathedral

Next Bankers Hill residents' group will be Monday, November 21 (always the third Monday of the month)The November meeting of the Bankers Hill residents’ group will gather in the Great Hall of St. Paul’s Cathedral (Fifth Avenue north of Nutmeg) this Monday (11/21/11) from 6:30-8pm. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Topics for this month’s meeting are (1) Sgt. Rick Schnell from the San Diego Police Dept’s Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) will discuss area issues; (2) Meredith Dibden-Brown, City Planning & Community Investment, will share information about Bankers Hill parking meter money and the newly organized Uptown advisory board; and (3) Vision San Diego will make a short presentation.

Neighbors will also have an opportunity to share thoughts with representatives from Council Member Kevin Faulconer, State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins and Mayor Jerry Sanders.

Thanks to the generousity of local businesses all attendees will be entered in a raffle for great prizes including: an in-office teeth whitening from Dr. Evelyn Ascough (Value $700), a hair cut/style from Michael Eller Salon (Value $65), a spinal check up & adjustment from Shui Chiropractic; tickets to the Marston House Museum & Gardens (Value $10) and more.

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