Balboa Park West Advisory Group

Balboa Park “beach" at Quince and Balboa DriveThe second meeting for residents concerned about the west side of our big backyard will gather on Wednesday evening, June 4th from 6-7:30pm at the Redwood Bridge Club, 3111 Sixth Avenue (near Spruce Street).
This month’s discussion will include the park’s special events permit process given by Susan Lowery- Mendoza from the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department — how can the west mesa give input? Susan will cover the following issue areas: (1) Policies. A review of City policies governing special event permitting. (2) The application process. A review of the special event application form, including issues considered. (3) The review process. A review of the application review process; staff review, committee review and approval, the appeal process. (4) Conditions. A review of conditions that may be required before the event can proceed. A review of how these conditions are determined, including Noise abatement, Parking, Trash clean-up, Duration of event, Hours of operation, Safety and security, Traffic circulation, Rehabilitation of the area and Alcohol sales….as well as (5) Fees. How are fees determined? Do the fees pay for the need? Does the permit address damages and/or cost recovery issues? (6) Cumulative effects. Does the permit consider how the event will impact the park’s physical condition? How do decision makers consider the cumulative effects and full cost recovery of special events? (7) Ongoing events. Are existing events “grandfathered” into the process? Can the Balboa Park Balboa Park’s west sideCommittee place conditions on existing events?
Vicki Granowitz and Susan Lowery-Mendoza will review an existing permitted event with a discussion of next steps and recommendations from BPWAG on the special event permit review process forwarded to the Balboa Park Committee, Mayor Sanders and City Councilmembers Faulconer and Atkins.
The group will can select a topic for future meetings from the list generated in April…or, since the summer is upon us, an afternoon clean-up event at an agreed upon location on the west side of the park may be organized…or, we can walk the West Mesa discussing park needs and issues along the way. Please bring your ideas to the meeting! For more information call (619) 675-1978 or if you have questions, concerns and/or ideas for future agenda topics.

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