Balboa Park freebies

San Diego Natural History Museum in Balboa ParkHow does free admission to San Diego’s best museums sound? Each Tuesday of the week (except in those rare five week months) museums in Balboa Park open their doors to San Diego County residents for free.
At the right is the Natural History Museum (along Park Boulevard near the large fountain). Today you may enjoy their permanent shows with no admission fee. Discover a world full of change from dinosaurs to mastodons, as you travel through 75 million years and dig into the rich fossil history of Southern California and Baja California.
San Diego Natural History Museum in Balboa Park, inside viewFounded by a handful of citizen-naturalists in 1874, this museum is an active research institution and is the second oldest scientific institution in Southern California. It’s also features giant-screen films and offers a wide selection of public programs for people of all ages.
Also today (and each first Tuesday of the month) you may get into theModel Railway Museum and the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center for free.
On the second Tuesdays of the month visit the San Diego History andPhotographic Arts museums; on the third Tuesdays, check out the Art Institute, the Museum of Man, the Mingei International and the Museum of Art; each fourth Tuesday enjoy free admission to the Aerospace and the Auto museums, the Hall of Champions and International Cottages.
Thanks to ball bearings, the Timken Museum of Art, considered one of the great small museums in the world, is a gift to every visitor to Balboa Park. The admission here is always free.

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