Balboa Park enters the information age

Balboa Park kioskHave you checked out the new electronic informational kiosks designed, installed, and operated by the Friends of Balboa Park? The latest usage statistics show that 100+ people use the popular touch screens on the kiosks each day to find information about Balboa Park.

The kiosk located at the Cascades (near the Bea Evenson Fountain) is the most heavily used. Kiosks are also located in front of the Timken Museum and near the west end of the Cabrillo Bridge. The information most frequently requested is the location of restaurants, transportation, restrooms, gardens and the schedule of events in the Park. In addition, info about each of 24 listed institutions and organizations is regularly requested, including unique screens promoting park projects and exhibits. The Spanish language screens account for nine percent of the requests. The other three sides of each kiosk house an ATM, a large map of Balboa Park and several printed sponsor messages. Free WiFi is also accessible from each kiosk.

The Friends of Balboa Park is now accepting donations for Phase II – to construct and operate two more kiosks located at the Inspiration Point tram stop and the Pan American Plaza. Please check out the website of the subcontractors that operate the kiosks to view a special video produced to describe in detail their functions.

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