Balboa Park December Nights up next

December Nights in Balboa Park, 2009Friday & Saturday, December 3 & 4 head to the park for a free community festival. Balboa Park’s holiday extravaganzaDecember Nights will again feature fun, light displays, nativity sets, santa, musical & dance presentations, plus shopping, holiday food & spirits. Lots of park museums and more than 80 cultural organizations and will be open for this event. Participating museums will be free to the public from 5-9pm each evening. Saturday events begin at noon.

Want to save energy with your holiday lights? San Diego community members can exchange up to three strands of incandescent holiday lights for an equivalent number of energy-efficient, multi-colored LED holiday lights, while supplies last. To participate in the exchange, community members must bring their old lights and present a copy of their current SDG&E bill or their California ID.

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