Aussie Rector now calls Hillcrest “home”

Welcome to Father Tony Noble, the Rector at All Saints’ Episcopal Church who is marking his seventh month anniversary. We’re glad to announce a new notice-board bearing his name (along with new service times!) went up this week! Father Tony came from a similar area in Australia — Fitzroy, an inner-suburb of Melbourne much like our own Hillcrest. Father Tony, center in the photo to the left, said that he has settled in well and feels at home. All Saints’ held successful services over Easter with better attendances than many years, including a packed church for the Easter High Mass. It was typical of the Anglocatholic liturgy and music for which All Saints’ is well known, followed by a first — an Easter chocolate party! What a marvelous way for those giving up chocolate for Lent to celebrate the Resurrection!

Wanna know more? Here’s their website.

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