Artist RD Riccoboni, the quiet activist

RD “Randy” RiccoboniThis best-selling co-author of the book “Manifest Success” is a tireless supporter of both the LGBT community and the greater San Diego area through his colorful paintings. Discover the beautiful art of California Impressionist painter RD Riccoboni at his Old Town Gallery, Beacon Artworks. Many people collect this American painter of love, light and happiness.

The results of his career have been astounding. Exciting bold colors are his trademark. These pure colors are taken from the, rainbow flag and represent health, love, sex, sun, nature, art, harmony and spirit. One of California’s favorite artists, Riccoboni is an innovative American-born painter (California, 1960). Influenced by his early years living in the suburbs of New York City, this self-taught artist, credits encouragement by family and teachers for his drive and inspiration. In 2007 the popular artist moved his Beacon Artworks Gallery to beautiful Fiesta de Reyes in Old Town’s San Diego State Historic Park.

Riccoboni’s paintings on canvas and paper depict his travels and local interest. Subjects include local landscape, cityscape, portraiture, street-scenes, public events and everyday happenings with friends. His palette is derived from the bold colors of the original rainbow flag. These colors represent, sexuality, health, sunshine, nature, art, harmony, and spirit. Riccoboni’s internationally recognized work represents community, a sense of place in a positive and life affirming manner.

A fan of architecture, RD Riccoboni is currently working on drawings and paintings of vanishing historic American buildings and landscape. To learn and discover more about the artist and his accomplishments visit his gallery website. “I am asked constantly what drives and inspires me. My answer is usually, forward thinking. Picking up on the positive and beautiful vibrations of color and spirit that surround our daily lives. My hope is they trigger inspiration in you to create and make the world a better place with art whether you are the creator or the appreciation or both,” says Riccoboni.

I like this quote says Riccoboni…“People think I’m disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference.”                                                                                   — Opera singer Luciano Pavarotti, 1935-2007

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