An open letter to HillQuest:

“I want my elected officials to stand up, without fear of losing support, and represent my voice. I want my elected officials, especially if they are women, to support other quality women candidates as has been the case for them and support that they have counted on themselves. Donna Frye is the populist. Donna Frye has the support of women. Donna Frye is the leading democrat in the race for Mayor of San Diego (2005). Where are the endorsements of Toni Atkins, Chris Kehoe and Susan Davis? These three women have always had my vote. I am very disappointed that they have not stood up for Donna Frye, proudly. I am very disappointed that politics is at play and not a keen understanding that the people not only felt she won the race in 2004, but that we want her to win again in 2005.

I understand that most long-time politicians in San Diego have had business dealings with Jerry Sanders. I know that many have worked closely with him in the past. But, I will not throw idealism out the window and begin to believe that we first listen to our fellow politicians, not the voice of the people. Democrats and women-democrats have spoken: we want Donna Frye. If these electeds do not think she is ready or that she is not a team player — then I have to wonder who THEY are working for. Donna has never cast a vote I didn’t support. She has been right every time. Moreover, she has spoken out STRONGLY for what I believe and stood up for those who couldn’t yell as loudly as I.

Where are the women I helped elect into their longtime careers……..? Where are the women that asked for my money, time and vote? They will not get money, time or my vote again. Shame. Shame. Shame.”

Angry Woman Democrat

What are your thoughts?
“I am a SD resident who supports Donna Frye for Mayor and will do everything in my power to see that she is re-elected Mayor.
The fact that Councilmember Toni Atkins and State Senator Chris Kehoe have not endorsed Frye is a disgrace.”

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