An open letter from Tanya Winter re: increasing bus fares…

Once again public services are being cut without real community input. Decisions to raise bus fares are counter productive and not in the public interest. MTS media spokesman Luis Gonzales states that increases in bus fares & elimination of transfers is way overdue since “fare structure hasn’t been modified since 2003.” That’s precisely the point. A rational and necessary change in fee structure is way overdue, but in the other direction.

In order to increase use of public transportation, fees need to be drastically reduced or totally eliminated. (Downtown Seattle has free bus service.) An increase in fares is counter productive. Eliminating transfers is really stupid.

Higher fares are a serious hardship for many workers. Public transportation is a necessity and a rational solution to traffic and pollution problems. If we want more people to use buses, they must be affordable & easily accessible. Some folks, who ordinarily do not use buses, may actually hop on a bus instead of driving their car. Instead of paying “consultants” exorbitant fees to install expensive parking meters, let’s promote free bus service. That’s where our tax money should go. We could actually make a dent in our traffic problem and save our environment. Not a bad investment. Of course it won’t appeal to the gang who are out to make a profit.

FYI: Individuals may address the board at two important meetings to discuss the fare ordinance (1) at 9am today with the MTS Board of Directors (1255 Imperial Avenue, 10th floor) and (2) 9am tomorrow (Friday, October 19th) at the SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) Transportation Committee meeting at 401 B Street, 7th floor. Speak up for public transportation!

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