An Open Letter from Penny Dreadful —

Did you catch the latest remarks of Bushivites? General Peter Pace first said that being gay and in the service was immoral. Now he says he should have kept his homophobic remarks to himself — ah, what a pity, the wolf wants to slip back into schleps clothing.
Here I thought all along that the game plan in our country’s overseas “adventure” was to divide and conquer the ENEMY? How could I have been so mistaken? He insults the patriotic soldiers on the ground in Iraq by calling the ones who play on the other side of the tracks “immoral.” General Pace, one question, sir — how is that helping the war effort? It turns out that the first Marine to be wounded in Iraq the Sequel, was Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, a patriot who doesn’t play on Pace’s holier-than-tho’ team. This bright young man is now working to change this discriminating policy. Hope he doesn’t have to run too many errands, the one leg thing may slow him down.
And don’t even let me get started on that hideous blond basilisk from hell Ann Coulter making goo-goo with Rod Majors. Let me see if I can summarize this big bowl of steaming hypocrisy: If you’re a patriot, serve your country in Iraq, get wounded there, disclose that you’re gay or better yet just be gay, you are immoral. On the other hand, if you serve your country in the Marines, don’t get wounded, come home, leave the service, make gay porn, then explain after a good half-dozen XXX-rated movies, that you ‘weren’t very good at it’ and join the GOP…you get the Jean Kirkpatrick Award for Freedom and have snaps taken with the illuminati of the far-right Christian GOP gun, immigration and homo nut club. That makes sense, doesn’t it? What a world! What a world!

xoxo Your Crazy Aunt Penny

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