An Open Letter (concerning meeting above)

A community-wide meeting regarding the Pride Board was held Monday night at The Center. Philip Princetta, Treasurer of San Diego Pride explained that once the Pride Board found out they had people from the Megan’s Law site as staff, they consulted with eight (8) government agencies including the local police and the FBI.

The FBI told the Pride Board that these people are not a threat to the public because their jobs are not in direct contact with the public. In fact, other citizens who spoke at the meeting pointed out that these people have already paid for their crime and one guy has a clean track record of 10 years volunteering at Pride. Another person commented that anyone can buy a ticket and enter the pride festival.

The Pride’s board only fault was listening to eight different government agencies and taking their advice. I certainly wouldn’t blame Pride for causing this mess. The source of the problem is James Hartline who now has publicly harassed these previous offenders on the Megan’s Law web site.

For those that don’t know, James Hartline was gay for 30 years, and he’s now an ex-gay, a Christian, he says God will heal him of AIDS, and he now hates the LGBT community. And he live in Hillcrest! I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

The LGBT community is much stronger than homophobic hate mongers, because we have to fight against their hatred, bigotry, intolerance, and fear on a daily basis. We’ve dealt with gay bashing before and we can handle it again, even if the gay bashing is under the false guise of public concern. The Megan’s Law site was not made public to create mass hysteria among the LGBT community.

It’s time to take care of the source of our problem, James Hartline. I hope the three guys, who got publicly harassed, will to go to the police and tell them a crime has been committed by James Hartline against them. The Megan’s Law Disclaimer clearly states that anyone who uses the web site to, “harass an offender…”  “is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability.”

It is time that lawsuits are brought against Hartline who illegally used the Megan’s Law web site to harass the LGBT community and who is trying to break our community apart.Sincerely, Mike Hampson
Concerned Hillcrest Citizen

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