An Open Letter…

Dear County Assessor Greg Smith:
I am shocked to hear about your plan to allow city clerks to discriminate against gays and lesbians by opting-out; meaning they will refuse to take their applications when applying for a marriage certificate, nor will they officiate at their wedding. If these city employees do not fulfill their duties they should be permanently transferred to a lesser position or fired.

You as San Diego Country Assessor seem to have forgotten about the separation of Church and State within our American governing system. When you pledged allegiance to our U.S. Flag, you pledged “…liberty and justice for all.”
All persons holding government offices should realized that this pledge does not exclude gays and lesbians. This pledge is heart felt by all American citizens who take pride in the freedoms of this country.

I strongly feel that you, our County Assessor, are one of many politicians who institutionalize hate within our governing system simply for their own political gain.

George Wedemeyer, Hillcrest

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