A House Divided Falls Divided (concerning meeting below)

 Buzz interview with two Pride Board members

I’m tired of all the infighting of late within the community. Honestly, are we that full of ourselves to believe that we can defeat foes such as Hartline without being united? How do we expect to obtain equal rights if we don’t even look upon each other as equals, but rather plan coups behind our own community members’ backs?

Now is the time to come together, to reconcile our differences that we all tout and to once again march under the same banner. The moment was never riper for the San Diego LGBT community to push for the elimination and suppression of (the negativity spread by) the James Hartlines of the world. We currently have an openly lesbian (interim) mayor of San Diego and an openly gay mayor of Chula Vista; PEOPLE… WE are in POWER! WE are IN CHARGE!

I am confident we can come together and resolve our issues; it is only a matter of time and humility. So, do what your mother used to make you do in church and offer peace to your neighbor. It is such a small and effortless gesture for all the good it will do for our community.

A Concerned Community Member

GLT continues to slam the Pride board in this week’s editorial,
…and in his column Nicole says, “I do want to state here and now that I do not support those who are organizing a letter campaign to Pride sponsors or are working to start an alternative Pride. I believe we should still try and work on getting new board members, and make sure they are “independent.’” HQ note: An alternative Pride? Come on…work together, folks!

“We learned a lot in this process over the past month and many organizations are growing from this experience. It’s time that we all come together to focus on healing our community and focus our attention on the outside people that are attacking our community and want to see us discredited and fall apart. I am not about to sit by and let this happen, this is a critical time in our history and we need all of the support we can get, and we need the strength of the whole community working together.”

— Marci Bair, Past President and Current Board Member of Family Matters

More letters from GLT

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