2012 rings in exciting new & ongoing senior activities

from Dolores St. Louis

Becky, Lewis, Kristi, and Kathy

Becky, Lewis, Kristi and Kathy

It is hard to believe we have crossed the threshold into another year. With it brings great activities for seniors, which leads me to remind you of The Scroll. This terrific magazine, sponsored and published by City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department Senior Services Program, is headed up by the major players of the City Park and Recreation Department, whom I have named the “A Team”.

Without Kathy Aceves, District Manager, Kristi Fenick, Supervising Recreational Therapist, Lewis Higgins, Recreation Specialist, and Rebecca Cesena, Clerical Assistant II, whose combined years of services render in the dozens, along with assistance from a vast number of dedicated volunteers, these programs would not exist.

To receive your copy of The Scroll, put your name on the mailing list by calling 619-236-6905, or pull up The Scroll, San Diego, on the internet. Voila!  You will have January, February, and March senior activities at you finger tips.


EXCITING NEWS:  The Emeritus program from The San Diego Continuing Education Department has just issued its Spring Catalogue for 2012 (February 1 – June 7).  You are just in time to sign up for some of the inspiring classes. (Sign up is simple.  Just go to the first day of class and register, unless, otherwise, noted.)

Emeritus classes cover Art, Communication, Consumer Education, Drama, Law, Literature, Music, Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Retirement, and Social Studies.  There is truly something for everyone.  Although these free classes are geared for older adults, with the intent to maintain lifelong learning in improving mental and physical health,  anyone over 18 is welcome, and classes will be held as long as over half the class is 55 +.

There are six campuses around the city, making locations feasible.  To find out more, and get a schedule, just pull up www.sdce.edu.  Pull up “Take a Class”, upper right hand corner, first page……and there you are.  Then make your choices for information.  If the internet is overwhelming, call West City Campus for information 619-388-1873.  Good luck, and enjoy!

LATEST SERIES OF WHEEL CHAIR DANCE CLASSES just kicked off to a good turnout, Wednesday, January 11th.  The War Memorial Building auditorium was filled with the sounds of Rumba music, while William Valencia, a professional, Certified Ballroom Dance Instructor, put the students (wheelchair Wheelchair dancingusers), and volunteer partners through their paces.  It was a delight to see the smiles on everyone’s face. The classes will be held every Wednesday, 11AM-12Noon, through February 29th. Besides the Rumba, students will be learning more Latin and Ballroom dances, with a promise of being introduced to the West Coast Swing.  This should be great fun.

As mentioned, before, Wheelchair Ballroom and Latin Dancing has been around for decades in many countries, and only recently introduced to the United States and San Diego.  Locally, the credit goes to Beverly Weurding, herself a wheelchair user, and her Co-founder, William Valencia, who have spearheaded this wonderful program. With the help of the sponsorship of San Diego City Park Department Senior Citizen Services, The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, The Arthur P. Pratt & Jeanette Gladys Pratt Memorial Fund, and The Sharp Grossmont Foundation, it all has been made possible.

Beverly and WilliamRemember, Beverly (right, with William at a recent event) gave a most outstanding solo talent, a Wheelchair Waltz, in the 2011 MS SR San Diego Pageant.  William was her choreographer.  They work very hard, hand in hand, for perfection. The audience was overwhelmed with its beauty.  She came away 2nd runner-up to the crown, no small feat.

Beverly and William are very excited that The Muscular Dystrophy Association did a feature article on them, and their cause, in its recent news issue.  This is a coo, as one of the goals for The Local Chapter of Wheelchair Dancing is to gain more exposure.


YOU CAN STILL MAKE THE CUT.  Talent Auditions are to be held Thursday, January 19, 2012, at the War Memorial Bldg., 1PM – 4PM.  If you are inclined to try out, call Senior Services now, 619-236-6905, to find out if you can still enter. Talent show is scheduled for March. There is still time for 60 + ladies to enter the MS SR San Diego Pageant for 2012.  Deadline, for entries, is January 30th. Please call or e-mail Peggy Padilla, Pageant Director, 760-431-9275,  peggy100@att.net. Pageant will be held , February 18th, at the Balboa Park Club.  A Little Sub-Note Here:  I am pleased to announce that I will judging in each of these events, and am truly looking forward to it.


I urge you to pull up The Scroll, or call Senior Citizen Services 619-236-6905 to check the schedules for a myriad of great activities, including Arts, Crafts, Drama Classes, Card Games, Balboa Park Walks, bi-monthly Dance Programs (The next, 1/26, Chinese New Year & Fox Trot Lessons), Trips (Next up, 1/18, Whale Watching Boat Tour). There will be more information on all of these events in future articles.

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