8-0 Council votes for 180-day extension of the IHO

Julie and Jay Hyde collecting signatures outside of Ralph's in the Uptown DistrictA temporary 65-foot height limit for buildings in Hillcrest (Mission Hills has a 50-foot limit) will remain in place for another six months under action taken Tuesday by the City Council who unanimously passed the extension. The Interim Height Ordinance (IHO) was passed in 2008 when the current community plan proved too tall for the residents and business people of Uptown. An updated plan has been underway for a year, but is not expected to be finished for at least another year. The second (and final) 180-day extension will be voted on this summer. Several individuals have expressed concern that overly tall buildings will slip through the window before the council approvals the final Community Plan for Uptown.

Today’s first extension was slammed by architect Ian Epley who said height limits have stifled development in the impacted neighborhoods. “The warning of decay in Uptown and Hillcrest has come to fruition,” he said. “Nothing will be built there if projects cannot be made profitable,” telling the council that the law was driving down property values and leading to a loss of construction jobs.

City Councilman Todd Gloria conceded it was an “issue of some controversy,” but said it would be better for everyone if a consensus could be reached on development criteria in the community plan.The original ordinance would have expired in four days.

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