5-2 council approves mayor’s parking plan

25¢ per hour parking next for Hillcrest?

5-2 council approves mayor’s parking plan

Hand putting a quarter into a parking meterSan Diego City Councilmembers Carl DeMaio and Sherri Lightner were the two dissenting votes this past Tuesday afternoon to implement the mayor’s “Parking Meter Utilization” program. Three Uptown community members spoke against the motion (asking that the issue be continued until our neighborhoods have a new parking advisory boardor to have the council vote to support this plan in the downtown area only). Two public speakers from downtown supported the item which was based on a pilot program in their neighborhood.

So let’s make lemonade from the city not listening to our three Uptown activists. Perhaps they’ll listen to you…take the poll below. The city will now allow each community to raise rates (up to $2.50 per hour) or lower them (to as little as 25¢ an hour) for a minimum of ten hours up to seven days a week.Want to pay to park on Sunday? (In 2009 60% of San Diegans said they would be opposed to raising the city’s parking meter rates.)

*** Since Hillcrest is one of the only neighborhoods with meters (there are none in North Park, Pacific Beach, La Jolla, OB, etc.) what if our community supported lowering rates across Hillcrest to 25¢ an hour? Maybe some of those new spots on the Normal Street median will finally be filled during daylight hours!

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