25 volunteers clean up Buchanan Canyon

During today’s 24th annual California Coastal Cleanup Day the Friends of Buchanan Canyon, a University Height group that is a part of the citywide San Diego Canyons Coalition, hosted a canyon cleanup. Volunteers from throughout mid-city converged at Johnson & Hayes Avenues at 9am to begin the work.

This is the second year that the group has hosted a cleanup in Buchanan Canyon, and the results show the effectiveness of its efforts. Last year, the Friends (photo above) gathered more than 800 pounds of debris, including mattresses, sofas and large truck tires. This year, the loot was lighter — a total of 98 pounds of debris and eight pounds of recyclables — but the cleanup was just as important. Among the most prevalent items were cigarettes and cigarette butts (75 collected), food wrappers and containers (58) and plastic bags (29). The most unusual” find went to Dave Flietner for a pair of pink size 42 women’s panties!

The group’s work benefits the coast because much of the urban debris collected here today would eventually end up fouling our coastline as Buchanan Canyon’s watershed empties into the San Diego River Valley and ultimately the ocean. Today’s event was sponsored locally by San Diego Coastkeeper, I Love a Clean San Diego and the California Coastal Commission. The Friends of Buchanan Canyon work to restore native habitat in University Heights’ largest canyon. The group has eradicated invasive species like arundo donax and plants natives on the canyon slopes and willows in the streambed. They meet at 9am on the 3rd Saturday each month at the corner of Johnson and Hayes Avenues in University Heights. Next month’s project (on October 18th) involves erosion control and management.

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