Jacaranda blooms arrive early again

JacarandaUsually not blooming until much later in spring during the months of May Gray and June Gloom, jacaranda trees brighten our days….but this year they began blooming before the end of March and are now near full bloom.

Statue of Kate Sessions in Balboa Park  (by Ruth Hayward)

Statue of Kate Sessions in Balboa Park (by Ruth Hayward)

An abundance of purple trees are decorating First Avenue in Bankers Hill and throughout Uptown. The vibrant blossoms may be found all over the neighborhood, but especially the area west of Balboa Park along First, Fourth and Fifth avenues  — much to the surprise of many old timers. Kate Sessions would be proud.

Here’s a link to an easy walk around the Bankers Hill neighborhood to view the colorful jacaranda trees.

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